Saving energy has become one of the most pressing imperatives for nearly everybody in modern society. At the top end, the major energy companies and scientific research institutions are pouring billions of dollars into research that is either producing new energy-efficient consumer products or leading to massive new energy solutions such as wind farms and battery-augmented power stations.
This has helped the environmentally conscious consumer to save energy – and rising energy costs has given them an exceptionally good incentive to do it. But for ordinary homeowners, one of the major technological developments has not been new products, but energy saving versions of old ones. Tech company Pale Blue Earth offer a good example in the form of their D USB rechargeable smart batteries. These batteries use energy far more efficiently than traditional household batteries, and they can last for much longer than traditional rechargeables. However, they are still essentially the same batteries to be used in the same contexts. Indeed, it is often very possible to save energy while maintaining the same functionality and products as you’ve always had.
Where to Start?
For nearly everyone, the biggest carbon footprint they make will come from their home, and all the appliances within it which use energy to cook, clean, wash, heat, and so on. Therefore, a home energy appraisal is certainly a good place to start if you want to cut down on your energy consumption (while also cutting down on your bills). You can hire an expert to appraise and advise you precisely, but common knowledge and common sense go a long way too.
Wouldn’t it be helpful, for example, if you knew which appliances were the biggest culprits when it comes to guzzling energy in your home? Armed with that knowledge, you could then seek energy saving equivalents or develop usage habits that cut down on the amount they consume. Unfortunately, most of these appliances are necessary for the home, and simply getting rid of them will not be an option for most people, but knowing what they are is essential knowledge if you want to cut your carbon footprint – and your bills.
Top Energy-Consuming Home Appliances.
With all of that said, here follows then the top energy-consuming appliance types that you will almost certainly have in your home. This is essential knowledge.
All the Wet Appliances
These appliances also use up water, and then a significant amount of energy in order to heat it and pump it. These appliances include dishwashers, washing machines and, although not technically “wet”, tumble dryers too. With such appliances, you can choose to wash at a lower temperature, dry clothes naturally, and avoid half loads. There are also energy saving versions of all these appliances.
Fridges and Freezers
The cold appliances require energy to produce the cold. They also have the downside of having to be on all the time. Naturally, it is unlikely you will be able to do without your fridge – but what about using a smaller one?
Consumer Electronics
The big killer here is the infamous standby mode. With some appliances this can be using as much as 80{93ea73599dd8d655253a8d93ead5902fc96c69deaccf1084de9461a87576e2eb} of the power used when turned on. The advice, therefore, is to unplug.
Lighting contributes to your electricity bill, obviously, but it can do so significantly. Two tips stand out here – use energy saving lightbulbs where possible and, of course, turn off the lights when you leave the room.
The idea of “doing your bit” has never been more important than it is today. And with energy costs soaring, there is an individual incentive to chip in too.